Wednesday, December 5, 2007

St. George Triathlon

There's no turning back now! Andrew & I have signed up for the St. George triathlon on May 10th. I have to admit I'm nervous. I've only done one triathlon before and it was a sprint distance, this time we are going all out and doing the international distance. That's a 0.9 mile swim, 26 mile bike and a 6.2 mile run. The swim is what scares me the most! Good thing no one was there to witness my pathetic swim performance this summer at the Camp Pendleton Sprint Triathlon. Wish us luck! Or more importantly, anyone want to be Andrew's and my swim coach??


Michelle Michel said...

You r crazy! I am just jealious that you can actually do that kind of thing. I ran 6 miles today and don't think I could keep going with a 26 mile bike ride or a .9 swim...and i am a swimmer!

Tyler Owens said...

I'm sure michelle could give you some great pointers on swimming. she only did it all through high school. if bean wants tips tell him to call me:) i only swam 3 years so not too much experience but yeah! i'm stoked for you two and kinda jealous!

Jamie said...

Tyler I'm sure Andrew would love to take you up on that offer. And yeah I'm going to have to have Michelle teach me how to swim! We all need to get together for a big group date again, dinner was fun last time. Tyler, the St. George tri is sold out, but you should do the Camp Pendleton one in August, its so much fun!

Melly Mel said...

That would be an awesome tradition Jamie! Great idea! I would love that. Let's go low-key now and then we'll be eatin' at the Ritz! I'm kidding. I think that's awesome that you guys are doing the St. George Triathlon. You two are amazing. I wish I was as brave as you guys. Good Luck! I'll practice with you if you need a buddy!